120W Gantry Crane Warning Light
CraneSimilar to the popular forklift warning spot lights, but designed for use on overhead cranes. They are 12,000 lumens, which is 10 times as bright as their smaller counterparts.
Available in red or blue. Red is the suggested color for overhead cranes.Our products are constructed using only the highest quality materials and are put through rigorous testing to ensure they make the grade.
140W Gantry Crane Warning Light
CraneSimilar to the popular forklift warning spot lights, but designed for use on overhead cranes. They are 12,000 lumens, which is 10 times as bright as their smaller counterparts.
Available in red or blue. Red is the suggested color for overhead cranes.Our products are constructed using only the highest quality materials and are put through rigorous testing to ensure they make the grade.